Apologia Kristen's Library


Update: 01 Nop 2012

Daftar buku & jurnal teologi koleksi Apologia Kristen. Umumnya buku-buku apologetik, kajian sejarah, kamus, tafsiran dan lain-lain. Bagi rekan-rekan yang membutuhkan informasi dari buku & jurnal di sini silahkan hubungi kami.


A. Apologetika Dasar
1.   McDowell, Josh, Apologetika: Volume 1 & 3, Gandum Mas, Malang, 2002, terjemahan dari Evidence That Demands a Verdicts, Here’s Life Publishers, 1972
2.   Geisler, Norman L (Ed), Why I am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain Why They Believe, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 2001
3.   Strobel, Lee, Pembuktian Kebenaran Iman Kristiani, Gospel Press, Batam, 2005, terjemahan dari The Case for Faith, Zondervan, Grand Rapids

B. Doktrin Trinitas
1.   Winarto, Leonardo, Ketritunggalan dan Keesaan Allah: Antara Kesesatan dan Kebenaran, Memra Publishing, Bondowoso, 2011
2.   Zachariah, Butrus, Allah itu Esa di Dalam Tritunggal yang Kudus, Jalan Ar Rahmat, The Good Way, Switzerland
3.   Iskander, Jadeed, Apakah Allah Telah Datang Sebagai Manusia?, Jalan Ar Rahmat, Jakarta, terjemahan dari Did God Appear in the Flash?, The Good Way, Switzerland
4.   Hurtado, Larry W., One God One Lord: early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism, T&T Clark, Edinburgh, 1998

C. Keilahian Yesus
1.   O’Collins, Gerald, SJ, Christology, Oxford University Press, New York, 2009
2.   Swinburne, Richard, Was Jesus God?, Oxford University Press, New York, 2008
3.   Hurtado, Larry W., Lord Jesus Christ: devotion to Jesus in earlist Christianity, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids Michigan, 2003

D. Penyaliban & Kebangkitan Yesus
1.   Winarto, Leonardo, Sejarah Penyaliban Yesus Dalam Islam-Kristen, Memra Publishing, Bondowoso, 2012
2.   Marvin, Pate & Sheryl, Disalibkan oleh Media, ANDI, 2007, terjemahan dari Crucified in the Media, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids
3.   McDowell, John vs Deedat, Ahmed, The Debate : Was Christ crucified?, Durban, South Africa, 1981
4.   Gilchrist, John, Benarkah Nabi Isa di Salib?, Jalan Ar Rahmat, Jakarta, terjemahan dari The Crucifixion of Christ: A Fact, not Fiction, Jesus to the Muslims, Benoni South Africa, 1986
5.   Craig, William L, Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Ressurection of Jesus, The Edwin Mellen Press, New York, 1989
6.   Gilchrist John, What Indeed Was the Sign of Jonah?, Jesus to the Muslims, Benoni South Africa, 1986
7.   Hengel, Martin, The Cross of the Son of God, SCM Press LTD,
8.   Wright, N.T., Surprised by Hope, HarperCollins, San Fransisco, 2007
9.   Wright, N.T., The Resurrection of the Son of God, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2003

E. Yesus Sejarah
1.   Bock, Darrel L. & Wallace, Daniel B., Mendongkel Yesus Dari Takhtanya, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2009, terjemahan dari The Dethroning Jesus, Thomas Nelson
2.   Witherington, Ben, Apa yang Telah Mereka Lakukan pada Yesus?, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2007, terjemahan dari What Have They Done with Jesus? Beyond Strange Theories and Bad History, Harper & Row, San Fransisco
3.   Evans, Craig, Merekayasa Yesus, ANDI, Yogyakarta, 2008, terjemahan dari Fabricating Jesus
4.   Strobel, Lee, Pembuktian Atas Kebenaran Kristus, Gospel Press, Batam, terjemahan dari The Case for Christ, 2002
5.   Habermas Gary, The Historical Jesus, Joplin, College Press, 1996
6.   Boyd, Gregory A., Lord or Legend?, Baker Books, Grandrapids Michigan, 2007
7.   Wrigth, N.T. & Borg, Marcus, The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions, HarperCollins

F. Paulus
1.   Seesongood, Robert P, Paul: A Brief History, Blackwell Publishing, West Sussex, 2010
2.   Fee, Gordon. N, Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study, Hendrickson Publisher, Massachusetts, 2007
3.   Wright, N.T., The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology, T&T Clark, London, 2004
4.   Wright, N.T., What Saint Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the Real Founder of Christianity, Eerdmans, Grand Rapid Michigan, 1997

G. Kekristenan Mula-mula
1.   Lane, Tony, Runtut Pijar Sejarah Pemikiran Kristiani, BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta, 2007, terjemahan dari The Lion Concise Book of Christian Thought, Lion Publishing, Oxford
2.   Bowersock, G.W., Martyrdom and Rome, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1995
3.   Meeks, Wayne A., In Search of the Early Christians,  Yale University Press, 2002
4.   Hengel, Martin, Conflict and Challenges in Early Christianity, Trinity Press International, Harrisburg Pennsylvania, 1999
5.   Chancey, Mark A., Greco-Roman Culture and the Galilee of Jesus, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2005
6.   The Early Church Fathers, CCEL, Wheaton College

H. Historitas & Problematika Alkitab
1.   Winarto, Leonardo, Benarkah Alkitab Wahyu Allah?, Memra Publishing, Bondowoso, 2012
2.   Jadeed, Iskandar, Kesempurnaan Taurat & Injil, Jalan Al Rahmat, terjemahan dari The Infallibility Of The Torah And The Gospel, The Good Way - P.O. Box 66 - Ch-8486 Rikon / Switzerland
3.   Geisler, Norman & Brooks, Ron, Ketika Alkitab Dipertanyakan, ANDI, Yogyakarta, 2008, terjemahan dari When Skeptics Asks, Baker Books, Grand Rapids-Michigan
4.   Archer, Gleason, Hal-hal yang Sulit dalam Alkitab, Gandun Mas, Malang, 2004, terjemahan dari Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1982
5.   Jay Smith,  Alex Chowdhry, dkk, 101 Clear Contradictions : Cleared-Up, The Hyde Park Christian Fellowship, London, 1995
6.   Kaiser, Walter C., et. al., Hard Sayings of the Bible, (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press) 1997.

I. Studi Arkeologi Alkitab
1.   Kitchen, K.A., On The Reliability of the Old Testament, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids-Michigan, 2003
2.   Hoffmeier, James K., Ancient Israel in Sinai: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Wilderness Tradition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005
3.   MacDonald, Burton, East of the Jordan: Territories and Sites of the Hebrew Scriptures, American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston, 2000
4.   Hanson, K.C., Palestine in the Time of Jesus, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1998
5.   Saldarini, Anthony J., Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducess in Palestinian Society, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1988
6.   Laughlin, John C.H., Fifty Major Cities of the Bible, Routledge, Abingdon, 2006
7.   Evans, Craig, Jesus and the Ossuaries, Baylor University Press, Waco-Texas, 2003
8.   Shanks, Hershel & Witherington, Ben, The Brother of Jesus, HarperCollins

J. Studi Eksegese & Bahasa Alkitab
1.   Scheunemann, Rainer, Panduan Lengkap Penafsiran Alkitab, ANDI, Yogyakarta, 2009
2.   Carson, D.A., Kesalahan-kesalahan Eksegetis, Momentum, Surabaya, 2009, terjemahan dari Exegetical Fallacies, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids Michigan
3.   Pandensolang, Welly, Gramatika dan Sintaksis Bahasa Yunani Perjanjian Baru, YAI Press, Jakarta, 2009
4.   Baker, D.L., Pengantar Bahasa Ibrani, BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta, 2009
5.   Rogerson, J.W. anda Lieu, Judith M., The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006

K. Studi Perjanjian Lama & Literatur Kuno
1.   Charlesworth, James H., The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Baylor University Press, Waco Texas, 2006
2.   Shanks, Hershel, The Dead Sea Scrolls: What They Really Say, Biblical Archaeology Society, 2007
3.   Roth, Martha T., Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, Scholar Press, Atlanta Georgia, 1997
4.   Chavalas, Mark W. & Younger, K. Lawson Jr,, Mesopotamia and the Bible: Comparative Explorations, Sheffield Academic Press, London, 2002
5.   Clifford, Richard J., Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2007

L. Studi Perjanjian Baru & Literatur Kuno

1.   Balchin, John, Intisari Alkitab Perjanjian Baru, Persekutuan Pembaca Alkitab, Jakarta, 2007 terjemahan dari The Bible in Outline, Scripture Union, London
2.   F.F. Bruce, Dokumen-dokumen Perjanjian Baru, BPK Gunung Mulia, terjemahan dari The New Testament Documents, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1960
3.   Witherington, Ben, New Testament History: A Narrative Account, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids-Michigan, 2001
4.   Stanton, Graham N., Jesus and Gospel, Cambridge University Press, Cambride, 2004
5.   Kysar, Rober, Voyages with John: Charting the Fourth Gospel, Baylor University Press, Waco-Texas, 2005
6.   McKnight, Scot, Galatian: The NIV Application Commentary, Zondervan, Grand Rapids-Michigan, 1995
7.   Fitzmyer, Joseph A., To Advance the Gospel, Eerdman Publishing, Grand Rapid-Michigan, 1981
8.   Wright, N.T., The New Testament and The People of God, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 1992
9.   Telford, W.R., The Theology of the Gospel of Mark, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999
10.        Klauck, Hans-Josef, Ancient Letters and The New Testament: A Guide to Context and Exegesis, Baylor University Press, Waco-Texas, 2006
11.        Charlesworth, James H., The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha & the New Testament: Prolegomena for the Study of Christian Origins, Trinity Press International, Harrisburg, 1985
12.        Foster, Paul, The Apocryphal Gospel: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford New York, 2009

M. Studi Kritis Teks
1.   Metzger, Bruce M. & Ehrman, Bart D., The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration, 4th ed, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005
2.   Metzger, Bruce M., A Textual Commentary On The Greek New Testament, 2nd ed, United Bible Societies, 2002
3.   Wagner, Paul D., A Student’s Guide to Textual Criticism of the Bible, Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove Illinois,
4.   Perrin, Nicholas, Lost in Transmission?, Thomas Nelson, Nashville-Tennesse, 2007
5.   Metzger, Bruce M., The Bible in Translation: Ancient and English Version, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids-Michigan, 2001
6.   Scorgie, Glen G (Ed), The Challenge of Bible Translation, Zondervan, 2003

N. Tafsiran Alkitab
1.   Tafsiran Alkitab Masa Kini Seri 1, 2 & 3, YKBK, Jakarta, 1982, Terjemahan dari The New Bible Commentary, InterVarsity Press, London, 1976 
2.   Keener, Craig S., IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament , (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press) 1997.
3.   Walton, John H.; Matthews, Victor H.; Chavalas, Mark W., The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament, (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press) c2000.
4.   Feinburg, C.L., The New Bible Dictionary (2nd ed.), Leicester, Inter-Varsity Press, 1993
5.   Carson, D.A.; et al., The New Bible Commentary, (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Varsity Press) 1994.

O. Kamus Alkitab
1.   Newman Jr, Barclay M., Kamus Yunani-Indonesia Untuk Perjanjian Baru, BPK Gunung Mulia, 2010, terjemahan dari A Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament, United Bible Societies, Stuttgart
2.   Alexander, T. Desmond and Brian S. Rosner, editors, New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, (Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press) 2000.
3.   Ferguson, Sinclair B. and David F. Wright, New Dictionary of Theology, (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press) 2000, c1988.
4.   Green, Joel G.; McKnight, Scot; Marshall, I. Howard; editors, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press) 1998, c1992.
5.   Rabin, Haim, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew language for Readers of English, The University of Haifa, Jerusalem-Tel Aviv, 1987
6.   Gesenius, H.W.F., Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, Baker Books, Grand Rapids –Michigan, 1979
7.   Bandstra, Barry, Genesis 1-11: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text, Baylor University Press, Waco-Texas, 2008
8.   Bimson, J. J., J. P. Kane, J. H. Paterson, D. J. Wiseman, and D. R. W. Wood, New Bible Atlas, (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press) 2000, c1985.
9.   Various, Dictionary of New Testament Background, (Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press) 2000.
10.        Hawthorne, Gerald F.; Martin, Ralph P.; and Reid, Daniel G.; eds., Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press) 1998, c1993.
11.        Martin, Ralph P.; Davids, Peter H., Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments, (Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press) 2000, c1998.

P. Bidat & Aliran
1.   Daun, Paulus, Bidat Kristen dari Masa ke Masa, Yayasan Daun Family, Manado, 2006
2.   Noorsena, Bambang, The History of Allah, ANDI, Yogyakarta, 2005
3.   Herlianto, Ir, MTh, Saksi-saksi Yehuwah, Kalam Hidup, 2004

Q. Islamologi : Perbandingan Kristen & Islam
1.   Ambrie, Hamran & Bakry, Hasbullah, KH, Adu Argumentasi, PBK Sinar Kasih, Jakarta,
2.   Gerhard Nehls & Walter Eric, The Islamic-Christian Controversy, Life Challenge Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 1996
3.   Gilchrist John, Facing the Muslim Challenge : A Handbook of Christian-Muslim Apologetics, Life Challenge, Cape Town, South Africa, 2002
4.   Shorrosh, Anis A., Islam Revealed, A Christian Arab's View of Islam, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1988 (sudah diterjemahkan)
5.   Muir, William, The Apology of al-Kindi, written at the Court of al-Mamun (830 A.D.) in Defence of Christianity against Islam, London, Smith, elder & Co., 1882

R. Islamologi: Alkitab & Alquran
1.   Smith, Jay, The Bible and the Qur'an: An Historical Comparison, The Hyde Park Christian Fellowship, London, 1998
2.   Campbell, W.F, The Quran and the Bible in the light of History and Science, Middle East Resources
3.   Gilchrist, John, An Analytical Study of the Cross and the Hijrah, Jesus to the Muslims
4.   Gilchrist, John, The Textual History of The Qur’an and The Bible, Light of Life, Austria, 1996
5.   Gilchrist, John, Origins and Sources of the Gospel of Barnabas, Jesus to Muslim, Benoni South Africa, 1986
6.   Jadeed Iskander, Injil Barnabas Suatu Kesaksian Palsu, Jalan Ar Rahmat, Jakarta, terjemahan dari The Gospel of Barnabas a False Testimony, The Good Way, Switzerland

S. Islamologi: Alquran & Muhamamd
1.   Smith, Jay, Is Muhammad the True Prophet ?, The Hyde Park Christian Fellowship, London, 1995
2.   Gilchrist John, Muhammad & The Relegion of Islam, Jesus to Muslim, Benoni South Africa, 1986
3.   Gilchrist John, Is Muhammad  Foretold in the Bible?, Jesus to Muslim, Benoni South Africa, 1986
4.   Tisdall, St. Clair, The Original Sources of the Quran, Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1905
5.   Tisdalll, St. Clair, Response to Muslim Objections of  The Original Sources of the Quran, Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1905
6.   Smith, Jay,  Is the Quran the Word of God ?,  The Hyde Park Christian Fellowship, London, 1996
7.   Mark, Brother, A ‘Perfect’ Quran, 1999
8.   Jefferey, Arthur, The Foreign Vocabulary of The Qur’an, Al-Biruni, Lahore, 1977
