Lanjutan debat (Round 2) tanggapan Jimmy Jeffry (JJ) terhadap The Yeshiva Institute (TYI)
Round 1: Tulisan Awal TYI, Tanggapan JJ
The Yeshiva Institute (TYI)
//JJ: Mengutip Michael Brown, misionaris kristen berbaju yahudi yang berargumen dengan logika dibalik. "...Actually, ’echad simply means “one,” exactly like our English word “one.” While it can refer to compound unity (just as our English word can, as in one team, one couple, etc.), it does not specifically refer to compound unity. On the other hand, ’echad certainly does not refer to the concept of absolute unity,.. In fact, there is not a single verse anywhere in the Bible that clearly or directly states that God is an absolute unity" Michael Brown , Answering Jewish Objection to Jesus, Volume Two, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 2000 //
Jelas disini Brown, seolah olah berpendapat bahwa makna asal dari kata “echad ” אֶחָד adalah compound unity, tetapi tidak di menutup peluang bahwa ada makna pelengkap yakni berkedudukan sebagai absolute unity karena menurut nya dalam Tanakh tidak pernah di katakan bahwa Tuhan itu satu yang absolut.